by admin | Dec 15, 2021 | Nieuws Items I-Vention
On request, Iventionair participated in the trade mission NL sports week in Dubai. During this mission, iventionair had the opportunity, in addition to demonstrating the iventionair cube live, to also present its proposition at the Dutch pavilion of the World Expo...
by admin | Jun 30, 2021 | Nieuws Items I-Vention
On June 29 and 30 it was again possible to work out in the gym. To demonstrate that the inventive system works as intended with the occupation of the athlete, two measurement days have been organized. The ventilation rate was set in accordance with the standard on the...
by admin | Jun 11, 2021 | Nieuws Items I-Vention
The Eindhoven University of Technology, led by Bert Blocken, has carried out measurements for a day in the iventionair “living lab”, with artificial aerosol nebulizers, which simulate the properties of saliva that are released into the air. Based on this, the air in...
by admin | Oct 7, 2020 | Nieuws Items I-Vention
Bedrijven aan de slag om de binnensport en sportevenementen weer volledig en veilig toegankelijk te maken voor sporters en publiek. Op 6 oktober 2020 zijn de winnaars van de SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) Sportevenementen en de SBIR Sportaccommodaties...